

Wellness Coordinator

Jonathan's introduction to chiropractic occurred during his time working at Life West Chiropractic College, and since then, he has become a passionate advocate for this form of healthcare.


Dr. Josh

Founder & CEO

Dr. Joshua Sharpe, he is a wellness coordinator and educator, who specializes in understanding the dynamics that happen in the body and the relationship between posture, stress, hormones, and the ability to get results in your life.


Dr. Jeff


Dr. Jeffrey Midgley is a chiropractor. He obtained his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, Dr. Midgley has been in practice for over 7 years and has extensive experience in treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions through Network Care and Quantum Neurology.

We’re in a world now where we’re facing more crisis than ever. The stakes are also higher than ever.

If we don’t make better choices as a species we’re at risk to killing ourselves off through wars, pestilence, or famines.

Or worse… we kill the entire planet and make it uninhabitable for life through how we treat our world. We spend so much time living in our heads that we neglect those that we care about most around us.

We make decisions without thought, care or consideration of how it impacts others or our communities. We’ve forgotten how to listen to that still quiet voice of our own intuition. We MUST evolve if we are to survive and thrive for generations to come.

That evolution of consciousness is possible for all of us given the right tools and the right commitment.

Why Anahata Performance?

Anahata is a Sanskrit term that means an unchained and open heart. The heart represents the center of compassion, love, and devotion .When the heart is open and balanced it brings harmony, peace, and unconditional love into one's life.

Through the process of the work that we do together, the heart begins to reconnect to the brain and increase the coherence or communication between the two. When the heart and mind are in coherence, we begin to make better decisions about life and our own well-being.

The Heart Math Institute has recorded that when the heart and brain are in coherence, the heart will emit a field that is 3 times greater than the field the brain emits.

That field changes the space around us. Old wounds and traumas begin to heal. Relationships that no longer serve us fade away.

Jobs’ that suck our soul away no longer are tolerable. How we treat our body and cultivate our health , energy, and vitality becomes increasingly more important, even paramount.

We begin to attract into our life more of our true desires. Relationships that nourish and enable us to grow begin to fill our life. We attract careers, businesses, and vocations that light up our soul, create meaning to the world, provide abundance, and shower us with fulfillment.

We show up more present to our loved ones and family. In the past, where there would only be pain, now we have the gift of wisdom and knowledge.

All of this begins when we start to take the hardest journey we will ever undertake in our lives….The 18 inch journey from our heads to our heart. If you’re willing to go on that ride, I promise you, it won’t be a journey without challenge, but at the same time, it will be worth far beyond its measure.

Ready to see if we’re a fit to work together? Book a 15 min consult to see if or how we can create results like these together.

Our Mission 

Join Me in Elevating Our Consciousness Around Health and Vitality!

Our Approach 

Using my system, you are able to use the stress that has been built up in your body to fuel growth, to allow your system to adapt and to change. By doing so, you relieve aches and pains, you change your posture, you increase your focus, you decrease the amount of stress that you feel on a day to day basis, and you improve your performance in all areas. Concentration, memory, physical performance—all are increased by the change in the adaptation to the stress in your life. 

Who Is This For?

This is for anyone who is looking to get an edge in life.

It is for the high stakes poker gambler who needs to be on top of their game.

It is for the mom juggles kids and family responsibilities, all while maintaining a job and a household.

It is for the entrepreneur, dealing with the stresses of staying emotionally balanced, managing employees and clients, managing day to day business, and the pressure to anticipate future trends and needs before the competition.  

It is for the entrepreneur, dealing with the stresses of staying emotionally balanced, managing employees and clients, managing day to day business, and the pressure to anticipate future trends and needs before the competition.  

  Finally, it is for anybody on the spectrum of health and wellness. Perhaps you are suffering physically and wondering how to escape the pain. Maybe life is great, but you know that there’s another level, and you just don’t know how to get there. For either end of the spectrum—and everywhere in between—this work is amazing for you.

Our Process


We start with a simple risk-free 10 minute consultation to get an idea of where you are now.


We then do a more thorough exam so   we can help track your progress through care and make sure we meet your goals throughout care as well.

Starting Care

We then begin to Upgrade Your Human Operating System. 

About Anahata Chiropractic
It's Time to step up for a NEW kind of "Health" and Vitality. Let's open up the possibilities and elevate our consciousness around health to live and teach our family's what a Vibrant Life looks like.
Contact Us

1887 Whitney Mesa Dr. #9154

Henderson, NV 89014


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